  • Freyssinet


Director of publication:

Jean-Philippe RICARD

Freyssinet website is the property of Soletanche Freyssinet, a simplified joint stock company (SAS) capitalised at €214,265,025, recorded in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 562 134 544, whose registered office is 280, avenue Napoléon Bonaparte 92500 RUEIL MALMAISON – France – Tel: +33 (0)1 47 76 42 62.
VAT number: FR 56 562 134 544

Management, authoring and coordination:
Freyssinet Communications Department (Mélanie Cadennes, Communications director)

Website concept, design and development:

Lille Métropole RCS no. 424 761 419 00045
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Photo credits:

Aktua prod, Jonathan Alexandre, William Beaucardet, Luc Benevello, Aline Boros, Yves Chanoit, Laurent Chartier, Frédéric Courbet, Benoit Diacre, Cyrille Dupont, Maxime Gil, Jean-Yves Govin Sorel, Jean-Marie Huron, Lavigne & Cheron architectes, On Air Productions, Patrice Lefebvre, LV Stadium company LLC, Sébastien Marchal, Lisa Ricciotti, Govin Sorel, Nguyen Tien Tuong, Alexis Toureau, Francis Vigouroux and Laurent Wargon.

Freyssinet media library, Soletanche Freyssinet media library, VINCI media library, CARPI media library, HEBETEC media library, Unsplash media library.

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